Remembering Sadako – Folding for Peace – Concert featuring Jackson Browne
Jackson Browne has written and performed some of the most literate and moving songs in popular music and has defined a genre of songwriting charged with honesty, emotion and personal politics. Beyond his music, Browne is known for his advocacy on behalf of the environment, human rights, and arts education. Brownes performance Tuesday August 6, 2013 at 8:00pm will be part of a special evening dedicated to world peace and will include a special appearance by Sadakos family from Japan.

JACCC Member Presale
Membership benefits are our way of saying thank you for your support and as a member of the JACCC, you are able to secure the best seats in the house before public sales begin on June 13. We hope that you continue to take advantage of the benefits we offer.
For a JACCC Member Presale form please contact [email protected].
JACCC Member Presale ends on Wednesday, June 12, 2013
All forms must be received by 6pm