"Here," a new original song by legendary singer-songwriter Jackson Browne, officially debuted on July 24, 2009 with the release of the motion picture Shrink, starring Academy Award-winning actor Kevin Spacey. Serving as dramatic punctuation, "Here" runs over the end title credits, beginning when the screen goes dark at the narrative's conclusion. Following its initial limited run in select theatres in New York and Los Angeles, Shrink-from Roadside Attractions-will be released in 12 major U.S. markets on July 31, 2009.
You wait for the tears to fall, but they won't
You think you should know what to say, but you don't
Here at the break of day
The world moving on it's way without her
You're sitting there staring into the distance
Like you're putting up some kind of resistance
But you barely see the dawn
It's like this river that you're on.
Here where the sorrows flow
Knowing you will never know about her
You're here
The city waking up off in the distance
They're all working on some other existence
But you can't quite seem to care
Like you know they're not going anywhere
Here where the sorrows flow
Here where the questions grow
And all you will never know about her
You wait for the tears to fall but they won't
You think you should know what to say, but you don't
Here at the break of dawn
The world moving on without her
Words and music by Jackson Browne
2009 Swallow Turn Music ASCAP